The zoom video conferencing client is a company dedicated to providing users with mobile and cloud-based video conferencing software.Rated No.1 in customer satisfaction, the web conferencing software also enables content sharing in wireless mode as it improves remote access to webinars and web conferences. App information to download Zoom app for Android.You will need to have Zoom Meeting Client on a computer or laptop or Zoom Meeting App on a mobile device. Zoom Meetings runs on Computers (PC or Mac) and Mobile Devices (Tablets, mobiles) using Apple iOS or Android OS.All time limits has been removed from complementary accounts for users. Thanks Kap Note, Zoom is free to sign-up. is offering their Zoom Video Conference Tool/Software to all K-12 Schools (Students, Teachers, Administrators) for Free.You can consult with a professional to help you decide how Zoom can. Your business needs the right video conferencing platform to stay connected and productive. Experienced industry professionals, best in class products, the unique ability to enhance the communication. GoToMeeting – Video Conferencing & Online. Appstore for Android Amazon Coins Fire Tablet Apps Fire TV.